Lies in our Bible Versions Concerning Women

   Blatant mistranslations regarding women, are nothing short of outright lies in our Bible versions. As often as misogynistic translators write women out of the Bible, in places where they are clearly present [in the original languages], these same translators, place women within negative contexts in places where they are absent from the Greek and Hebrew texts. 
   1 Timothy 4:7 is such an instance.

Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales --NIV
But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women --NASB
Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales --NLT
but refuse profane and old wives’ fables --ASV
and the profane and old women's fables reject  --YLT
But profane and old wives' fables avoid --DBY
But refuse profane and old wives' fables --WEB
But refuse profane and old wives' fables --KJV

   The Greek word, graōdēs [Strong's G1126], frequently translated as "old wives" or "old women's" tales, occurs only once in the New Testament, and is more likely to be incorrectly translated than not. 
   As we look from one Bible version to another, the translations go from bad to worse. In the King James Version, the word is translated as “old wives” fables. It is the same in the NIV. 
   The translation becomes even more despicable in the NASB, where elderly women are so disrespected, by the translators—not in the Greek [written by Paul]—that “old women” are portrayed as **“fit” for worldly fables (or, as the NIV correctly calls them—"godless myths” [“profane” fables in the KJV]).  
   Really? Aged women deserve to believe in (are "fit" for) profane, godless, myths? 
   That is what the the NIV and NASB translations say. 
  Though misogynistic Bible translators demonstrate contempt for women, it is certain, the apostle did not. No doubt, he had many elderly women in his congregations, of whom he had instructed believers to treat as mothers. To insult them, as gender-biased-Bible-translators do, would not only have been repugnant to the apostle, but would also have been rebellion against God, who commands his people to honor both mother and father and to treat all people with respect, most especially the elderly. 
   But such is the prevalence of translator prejudice against women, that the misogynistic translation of this verse survives and continues to be accepted in most of our English Bibles to this day.  
   Surprisingly, the ESV, which admits to being a complementarian (patriarchal) version, follows the lead of the RSV, and, comes close to translating the word “graōdēs” correctly. The ESV, does not associate the word directly with women, but it does so, indirectly. Expositors have traditionally associated graōdēs with women, hence, both the RSV the ESV render the word as “silly.” 
   The word “silly” can certainly not be applied to profane and godless myths—these are detestable and dangerous. The word “silly,” can apply to clowns. And, in some instances, the word can apply to playful, childish, interactions between adults and between children and adults. 
   The word, silly, is never used in regards to the actions of [or interactions between] men. But it is inappropriately, but commonly, used to describe behavior and ideas of post-adolescent girls and adult women
   Using such words, loads the language against women and girls, and it perpetuates gender-bias in the human psyche. 
   In 1 Timothy 4:7, the word “gullible” is associated with women, but the word is not found, nor is it suggested, in the Greek Majority Text. Never-the-less, the NET translates the word, graōdēs, as “gullible:” "But reject those myths **fit only for the godless and gullible ..." 
   There is one other place in the New Testament where the word “silly” is a mistranslation associated with women. In this case, also, the mistranslation is easily shown to be caused by anti-woman bias. 
   Traditionally, women and men have quietly accepted misogyny coming from pulpits, Sunday School teachers, Christian resource materials, Bible translators, and lexicons, but passive acquiescence in that regard, is changing.   

 **No one, is “fit” for profane and godless myths.

1 Timothy 4:7  But reject profane and graōdēs foolish myths and exercise yourselves rather to godliness --HHBC

Woman this is WAR! Gender Slavery and the Evangelical Caste System examines Bible commentary and translation practices which have historically been androcentric (male centered) and even misogynistic (anti-woman). These have adversely effected understanding of the scriptures, relations between women and men, the happiness of men and women, and, in general, has hindered the work of the gospel, by forbidding women to preach, pastor, or serve as elders or deacons. The book chronicles the early history of the women's rights movements, as well as the role of church leadership in aggressively suppressing both women's rights and the historical record of Christian initiatives within the movements. Through the complementarian movement, many of the same arguments used to support the institution of slavery, are still used today in suppressing the rights of Christian women. This book documents identical arguments used by Christian leaders against both movements and is an unparalleled resource for all who desire an in-depth study of gender equality from a Christian perspective. The history of women’s rights is traced back [much further than usual] to the very first feminists…who were Christians—godly women, who brought the issue of women's rights to the forefront as they struggled to alleviate the suffering of others, and found they were hindered in doing so for no other reason than the fact of their sex. This work, provides valuable historical insight into Christian initiatives in the movements for women’s rights, that are rarely included in Christian literature. Visit this link for more information or to buy the book:  Woman this is WAR! Gender Slavery and the Evangelical Caste System

Oh King, Live Forever....

Those were the words of Daniel, as he bowed to the authority of a pagan king and no doubt prayed for God's mercies on his unbelieving sovereign. Daniel was a prisoner of war who had been castrated by his captors. He submitted to his Babylonian over-lords, because he had no choice in the matter. In his servitude, Daniel served God with all his being. And he was blessed for that. But that did not mean that Daniel served as an example for the righteous men of every generation to seek castration and servitude as God's glorious design for his people.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Another pagan sovereign, issued an edict for all women to be subject to their husbands [the only command about gender-based subjection found in the entire Old Covenant, and it stemmed from poor counsel and a heart of rage, fear, and pride]. This enraged, badly advised, king banished his own wife because she rightly demonstrated autonomy and showed respect for herself in the matter of parading naked before a drunken husband and a room full of drunken nobles (True to form and aligned with the complementarian "Evil Woman" doctrine, the movie "One Night with the King" viciously slanders Queen Vashti, who behaved virtuously in the matter and was entirely in the right).

Fast forward to 2018. Three thousand complementarian women, signed a petition in which the opening words of the "Letter to the SWBTS Board of Trustees" begins in much the same way as Daniel addressed his conquistador king: 'We are concerned Southern Baptist women who affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 including its statements on the roles of men and women in the family and in the church (Oh, Kings, we acknowledge your divine right of ruler-ship. Live forever and hear our petition).' We urge you to exercise the authority you have been given by the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention and to take a strong stand against unbiblical teaching regarding womanhood, sexuality, and domestic violence." (Please issue an edict to protect women from the abuses of the paradigm you created with the Danvers Statement in 1987--that of absolute male authority). 

Flash back 1995: Why did it take 150 years for the SBC to apologize for its unbiblical teaching that chattel slavery was part of "God's Glorious Design" for humanity [complementarians use the same phrase regarding gender roles]? Indeed, the dispute over slavery is the very reason for the denomination coming into existence. The northern Baptists wanted to abolish slavery, and the Southern Baptists formed their own convention for the sole purpose of affirming that slavery was biblical, good, and God ordained. Finally, on the 150th anniversary of the creation of the convention,  an apology finally come forth.

But what has this to do with the "LETTER TO SWBTS BOARD OF TRUSTEES" which is from modern-day women?

At the onset of the Civil War, how many MANY slaves affirmed the SBC's position on slavery and called the Northern armies, "Yankee Devils," for wanting to free them? There is a parallel here. This is not "living in the past." Remembering these facts is relevant to what is happening today, in the movement for both men and women to break free from complementarianism.

Abuses are being exposed. Christians are denouncing the historical and current mistreatment of women in the churches and homes. This is a good start. And I applaud those who are speaking out against these abuses.

But let's not plan an emancipation party just yet...

...because until the root of male authority doctrine is ripped from the ground of our hearts and psyches, every bulb and rhizome dug out completely, until the federal headship of males is rejected for the devilish lie that it is, and annihilated, the abuses will continue

Denunciations that are largely words and less action will have little more effect than a loose bandage that hides a wound but does not heal it. Denouncing the wrong while affirming the system that causes the wrong [which is what the "Letter to the SWBTS Board of Trustees," does] WRONG.

"There you go, Jocelyn, throwing rocks again. Why can't you be more irenic? Why do you rain on our parade and cause division, particularly now that people are finally speaking out? You should be promoting unity." 

I am promoting unity...

...the unity God intended when he created his men and his women to live as functional equals on the planet he placed them on and told them both to dominate.

But there can be no unity until Christian men acknowledge Christian women as their functional equals, and a big part of the problem right now, is that many Christian women are like the slaves who believed the lie that God had created them to be slaves. 19th century slaves, actively resisted emancipation. Even after the proclamation finally came, many slaves were hesitant to leave the plantations. They were afraid to embrace the liberty that had always been forbidden to them, the liberty they had been told was sinful and wrong to long for--sinful to even think about. 

Advocates for liberty, do not be discouraged when our complementarian sisters cannot believe they were created for glorious autonomy, for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These things, our brothers have always enjoyed and take absolutely for granted, and, in America, fought the Revolutionary War to gain.

Many slaves would not leave the plantations simply because of an Emancipation Proclamation. When the Union Army enlisted the help of a run-away slave in their famous Combahee River Raid, Harriet Tubman sang out to the slaves to not be afraid, to leave the plantations, to get on the boat to freedom. It was her reassurance that gave many the courage to reach out and take hold of the freedom offered to them. For two more years Tubman scouted for the army. She scouted into Confederate territory. She tended to newly freed slaves, and [serving the cause of freedom] continued her more than twenty annual trips South, leading slaves to freedom until slavery was no more.

Back to the present: The only unity that can be accomplished at this point, is unity between the abolitionists [egalitarian Christians] and on the other side, the dysfunctional unity that exists between the slave-holders and their slaves. We must continue to speak out and pray that the eyes of both slave-holders and slaves will be opened, and that God will break the chains obligating their minds and lives to a lie that binds and oppresses them both.

I have seen the dark under-belly of complementarianism. I have experienced its life-threatening nature. In 2007, the Holy Spirit got my attention and showed me that if I spent my days, months, and years traveling from speaking engagement to speaking engagement (and I had many invitations) exposing and denouncing the abuses, that I would be running "half-dressed" and in the process, getting farther and farther from the goal. At that point, I cancelled all of my speaking engagements until further notice. 

The abuses are only half the problem. The abuses are symptoms of the disease--not the disease itself. The cause must be treated before the cure can come. So, I will not mince words, nor will I be concerned with irenic speech. Complementarianism is rotten to the core. It is dangerous, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Just because it "works" for some goodhearted gentle souls, does not mean the paradigm itself is good. E.G., Polygamy "works" among some peoples and religions, but that does not mean polygamy is either God ordained or good.  
Why should the master care if the slaves are unhappy with their treatment? Why should the master care if a public letter protesting bad treatment is posted with 3000 slave signatures, as long as the letter begins with an affirmation of the master's absolute right to rule--which it does? 

Preventing a revolt is always a good idea.  Let's appease them and acknowledge their petition. That will keep them happy, on the plantation, and safely under our control. The king is not threatened when his captives acknowledge his supremacy in the first sentence of their petitions. But, avoiding all-out uprisings by throwing a few bones in the way of acknowledgments, is always a good idea. It's good business. It's good politics.

Oh King, live forever....