What People are saying about the book!

 "I am impressed by your approach! I've read so much about women in the church, that I expected nothing new - but your angle is unique." ~~L.L. Martin (author) 


I don't know that I agree with everything you say on the subject, but after reading your book, I know one thing...I know that Jesus is God! Jesus is God!!!!!!!!!  ~~Anonymous Complementarian

It is the best book I have ever read on the subject ~~Chaplain George McCaulley

Jocelyn Andersen takes back major ground [for women] in her book....Jocelyn Andersen's book, "Woman this is War," named for a play on the words of John MacArthur concerning marriage, is a must read....read the rest of this 5 STAR review HERE

 Author and speaker, Jocelyn Andersen, is a domestic violence survivor. She is pro-life and outspoken for women’s rights—especially for Christian women’s rights.
Woman this is WAR! Gender Slavery and the Evangelical Caste System, (click link for e-book or paperback) examines Bible commentary and translation practices which have historically been androcentric (male centered) and even misogynistic (anti-woman). 
   These have adversely effected understanding of the scriptures, relations between women and men, the happiness of men and women, and, in general, has hindered the work of the gospel, by forbidding women to preach, pastor, or serve as elders or deacons. The book chronicles the early history of the women's rights movements, as well as the role of church leadership in aggressively suppressing both women's rights and the historical record of Christian initiatives within the movements. 
   Through the complementarian movement, many of the same arguments used to support the institution of slavery, are still used today in suppressing the rights of Christian women. This book documents identical arguments used by Christian leaders against both movements and is an unparalleled resource for all who desire an in-depth study of gender equality from a historical and Christian perspective. 
   This book traces history of women’s rights, much further than usual, to the very first feminists…who were Christians—godly women, who brought the issue of women's rights to the forefront as they struggled to alleviate the suffering of others, and found they were hindered in doing so for no other reason than the fact of their sex. This work, provides valuable historical insight into Christian initiatives in the movements for women’s rights, that are rarely included in Christian literature
Woman this is WAR! Gender Slavery and the Evangelical Caste System, (click link for e-book or paperback)

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