Invisible Woman in Paul's Letter to Corinth

1 Corinthians 15:3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures 4: And that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures 5: And that he was seen of Cephas[1] then of the twelve

[1] Paul proved himself to be a supporter of women in ministry throughout his life: examples being his equal treatment of Priscilla, Phoebe, and Junia (learning from Priscilla, calling Phoebe a deacon, and calling Junia an apostle). But, at times, he bowed to the male-dominated culture of his time. For instance, in his first letter to the Church at Corinth, (chapter fourteen) Paul cited unauthoritative, extra-scriptural, and anti-woman Jewish tradition (traditions and writings which Jesus soundly condemned but men still cling to, today, to keep woman in her place), and when he wrote of the resurrection, he mentioned Cephas as seeing Jesus first after he was raised. Paul knew full well it was Mary, called the Magdalene (from Magdala) who saw Jesus first—not Cephas—but for some reason, he chose to draw a curtain of invisibility over the fact that it was a woman who first saw Jesus alive after his crucifixion and preached the resurrection of the Messiah to The Twelve (the 12th being Mathias, who was with them when Mary arrived with the news Acts 1:21-22). Most experts agree that the gospels were written after the epistles. The writers of the gospels, made sure to correct Paul’s statement of putting Cephas first, and made certain that all the world would know it was a woman who first saw Jesus alive after he had been laid in the grave, and also that it was a woman, first, who preached the gospel of the resurrected savior. 

This is an excerpt from the Hungry Hearts Online Bible Commentary HHBC
Do you have the assurance of knowing that if you died today, you have Eternal Life?

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